The following are a selection of outings and workshops I’ve facilitated as part of both the Undergraduate Art & Ecology course and the MFA/MA in Art & Ecology at the Burren College of Art in Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare, IE.
From the website: The MFA/MA in Art & Ecology was launched in 2013 as the first postgraduate degree in this field in Ireland. This highly prescient and innovative programme is an interdisciplinary, research-based programme designed for students who wish to develop an ecologically focused artistic practice. Graduate students develop key skills in producing work in studio and field-based contexts, investigate how social and earth ecologies coexist within the unique context of the Burren, and have the opportunity to participate in collaborative or community based initiatives. Students work with BCA’s core faculty team alongside environmental scientists and local community based organisations to develop critical enquiry through arts practice. Graduates produce a final exhibition of work engaging the dynamic between ecology and arts practice and demonstrating an embodiment of the social, cultural and theoretical concerns shaping the relationship between contemporary art and ecological thinking.
For more information please see: